Covenant Update for Feb. 26, 2024

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Welcome to this week’s free post for Covenant!


Short post tonight. The players seem to know what they want to do and are finally on their way to do it.

The player characters (PC) learned some uncomfortable facts about Rekana with the help of Carver’s god Wooshu, who put in an appearance, and Rekka, who is a part of the risu Nameless Order. Rekana is stealing people’s souls so that he can feed them to an as yet unknown creature or eldritch horror. If he feeds their souls to it one at a time, the creature won’t wake up. However, if the PCs kill Rekana, there’s a good chance that all of the souls he’s captured will be fed to it, instantly waking it up.

And the PCs really don’t want to wake up this thing.

Anyway, we ended the game with the PCs flying down to Gaia to gain some kind of training that’ll help them effectively counter Rekana’s time-stop ability. It really feels like this chapter of the game is getting back on track. Hopefully, we’ll have more for you next Monday. Talk to you then!

Published by radiofreecovenant

A podcast about the science-fiction roleplaying game "Covenant" and the urban fantasy novel "Crossing the Line", soon to be published by Black Opal Books.

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