Meet the Valka – Part 2

(Having trouble with the pronouns? Check out this post, and be sure to tune in to the latest episode of the podcast while you’re reading it!) Sean again. Last week, I told you about the valka. Now let’s look at some of the traits that you’ll use to make them in Covenant. Click through for …

Meet the Valka – Part 1

(Having trouble with the pronouns? Check out this post, and be sure to tune in to the latest episode of the podcast while you’re reading it!) Sean again. We’ve introduced you to: The calerre (part 1 and part 2) The chiroptim (part 1 and part 2) The acoes (part 1 and part 2) The thk’kok …

Meet the Humans – Part 2

(Having trouble with the pronouns? Check out this post, and be sure to tune in to the latest episode of the podcast while you’re reading it!) Sean again. Earlier this week, I told you about the humans. Now let’s look at some of the traits that you’ll use to make them in Covenant. See below …

Meet the Humans – Part 1

(Having trouble with the pronouns? Check out this post, and be sure to tune in to the latest episode of the podcast while you’re reading it!) Sean again. We’ve introduced you to: The calerre (part 1 and part 2) The chiroptim (part 1 and part 2) The acoes (part 1 and part 2) The thk’kok …

Meet the Thk’kok – Part 2

(Having trouble with the pronouns? Check out this post, and be sure to tune in to the latest episode of the podcast while you’re reading it!) Sean again. Earlier this week, I told you about the thk’kok. Now let’s look at some of the traits that you’ll use to make them in Covenant. Keep in …

Meet the Thk’kok – Part 1

(Having trouble with the pronouns? Check out this post, and be sure to tune in to the latest episode of the podcast while you’re reading it!) Sean again. We’ve introduced you to the calerre (part 1 and part 2), the chiroptim (part 1 and part 2), and the acoes (part 1 and part 2). Now …

Meet the Acoes – Part 2

(Having trouble with the pronouns? Check out this post, and be sure to tune in to the latest episode of the podcast while you’re reading it!) Sean again. Yesterday, I told you about acoes. Now let’s look at some of the traits that you’ll use to make them in Covenant. Keep in mind, by way, …

Meet the Acoes – Part 1

(Having trouble with the pronouns? Check out this post, and be sure to tune in to the latest episode of the podcast while you’re reading it!) Sean again. We’ve introduced you to the calerre (part 1 and part 2) and the chiroptim (part 1 and part 2). Now it’s time to meet the acoes! As …

Radio Free Covenant: Episode 4 – Meet the Valka, Part 1

We’re a week and a day late, but Radio Free Covenant is back on the air! Sean had his hands full with a three-year-old niece last weekend, when he normally edits the podcast. That’s why it’s late. We have a treat to make up for it, though: one of the playable species in Covenant, the …

Meet the Chiroptim – Part 2

(Having trouble with the pronouns? Check out this post, and be sure to tune in to the latest episode of the podcast while you’re reading it!) Sean again. Yesterday, I told you a little bit about the chiroptim. Now let’s see how they look in the Covenant game system. Keep in mind, by way, that …